• 9:47 PM
  • Active/Active Clustering
    In active/active clustering, the server nodes in the cluster run their own workload simultaneously. Each server in the cluster is available to do real work, or is "active," yet each server in the cluster is also available to recover the resources and workload of any other server in the cluster. This configuration eliminates the need for an idle server to wait for a failure. However, one drawback to active/active clustering is the risk of overloading the node that takes over for the failed one. The possibility of overload exists because a single server must now perform its own work and that of the failed node.

  • Active/Passive Clustering
    In active/passive clustering, one node in the cluster remains idle, while the other node (or nodes if running Windows 2000 Datacenter Server) is active. If an active node fails, the processing of cluster-aware applications (SQL Server) is switched to the passive node. The failed node can then be restored and the application can failback to it, so that it becomes an active node again, leaving the passive node available for the next time failover is needed.


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